Here are some recent publications (with crystal structures) concerning Na+, K+-ATPase.
The Na+,K+-ATPase generates electrochemical gradients across cellular membranes by transporting 3 Na+ out and bringing 2 K+ into the cell. This enzymatic pump binds ATP and becomes phosporylated which causes a conformational change which releases Na+. Two K+ ions bind and cause hydrolysis of Pi which releases K+ into the cell. The two conformations of the protein have been termed E1 and E2. The E1 conformation selectively binds sodium while the E2 conformation selectively binds potassium. The sodium-potassium pump is often compared to Ca2+-AtPases because they have very similar in functions/mechansims. Note: MgF42- is an analogue of Pi and Rb+ is often used as an analogue of K+. The claw like structure is on the cytosolic side of the cell.
Deletion of
the five most C-terminal residues of Na+, K+-ATPase resulted in a 26-fold loss in Na+ binding. The authors suggest that the terminal residues interact with an adjacent region which constitutes the Na+ binding pocket so its presences helps optimize the sodium binding locations. Asp-369 is a putative site of phophorylation.
[Morth et al.
Nature 2007, 450, 1043-1049.]
The potassium binding is implicated in the dephosphorylation of the enzyme. There are two binding sites for K+ ions in the intermembrane section of the protein. One site is formed by essentially five oxygen atoms: one main chain (Thr 779), three side chains (Ser 782, Asn 783 and Asp 811) and one water molecule. The second K+ binding site is only 1.3Å away. It is created by three main chain carbonyls (Val 329, Ala 330 and Val 332), three or four side-chain oxygen atoms (Asn 783,Glu 786, Asp 811 and possibly Glu 334) and no water molecules.

The cholesterol molecule appears to shield part of the protein from the hydrophobic lipid core. Na+, K+-ATPase activity is dependent on cholesterol so this protection from the lipid core is important. Another important chain is the FXYD unit which is believed to be an accessory regulatory protein. In the pictures below, the blue color is the alpha subunit and the green colored portion is the beta subunit. The pink colored region is the FXYD accessory protein which is believed to have a regulatory affect on the enzyme.
[Shinoda, T.; Ogawa, H.; Cornelius, F.; Toyoshima, C. Science 2009, 459, 446.]
Ouabain is an inhibitor of Na+, K+-ATPase. Many different therapies for congestive heart failure target the sodium pump because blocking the enzyme increases intracellular [Na+]. This build up of Na+ stops a certain Na+/Ca2+ exchanger which increases intracellular [Ca2+], thereby increasing the strength of heart contractions.

This crystal structure shows Ouabain bound in a low affinity state, but it is very similar to the high affinity state. The bound potassium ions have likely prevented the protein from folding closed into a high affinity state (for Ouabain). Ouabain binds deeply within the transmembrane α-helical region of the protein. The binding of Ouabain disrupts the binding pocket for K+ and can also block potassium ions from dissociating from the core of the protein. Ouabain does not bind as strongly in the presence of K+ because they compete for some of the same residues, but obviously with Ouabain’s size, the protein cannot function in the presence of Oubain. Ouabain’s lactone ring and the interactions it has with the protein are very important for binding and there are many mutations which remarkably lower Ouabain binding affinity.
[Ogawa, H.; Shinoda, T.; Cornelius, F.; Toyoshima, C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 2009, 106, 13742-13747.]